誰還敢叫他肯德基爺爺?肯德基與《傳說對決》合作推限定造型『 桑德斯上校 』根本就是肌肉猛男!

這個新造型可以 XDD 但這隻角色我不會玩 QAQ

《Garena 傳說對決》近期與肯德基聯名推出新的限定造型--肌肉猛男「桑德斯上校」,到肯德基購買指定商品就有機會獲得新造型,大家對肯德基還保留在慈祥的老爺爺印象上嗎?No!肯德基爺爺早就不是爺爺,變成帥氣的肌肉猛男了好嗎~

誰還敢叫他肯德基爺爺?肯德基與《傳說對決》合作推限定造型『 桑德斯上校 』根本就是肌肉猛男!

其實早在 2019 年 4 月時,肯德基官方 Instagram 就有釋出一系列「肯德基上校」的照片,在我們想像裡那個慈祥的老爺爺,搖身一變留著超有個性的鬍子,滿滿帥氣的大叔的風格,衣服撩起來還有微微的性感腹肌,雖然說是虛擬的電腦人物,但肯德基的這波操作真是令人意想不到 XD


I may be a restaurant mogul and international inspiration, but I’m still just a kid who loves being in the kitchen. #humble It’s important never to lose sight of the things that make you who you are. For me, it’s being in the kitchen and making amazing fried chicken. That’s what got me here, and I never want to lose that young and hungry Colonel who spent all his time perfecting fried chicken. I’m still that kid who straps on an apron and makes fried chicken. And I’ll never lose that part of me. Never lose the things that make you who you are. This is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess. #candid #candidkitchen #colonelskitchen #humble #friedchicken #advice #success #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork #majorkey #cookingram #cooking

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Having an ice-cold @DrPepper #ad while I gaze pensively out the window with a fresh perspective on the world. Always take time to be quiet and reflect, especially when you can get a new perspective on the world. It’s a big part of the #secretrecipeforsuccess. It’s so important to take the time to get a new perspective. Like when you’re super high in the air and the earth looks real small. #secretrecipeforsuccess #drpepper #imapepper #privatejet #reflecting #grateful #grateful365 #humbled #friedchicken #friedchickentattoo #advice #success #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork #reflectiongram #blessed #travel #virtualcolonel

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而《Garena 傳說對決》這次跟肯德基合作推出的限定造型「桑德斯上校」也是走帥氣大叔風格,並露出肌肉爆棚的左右手,武器當然就是肯德基那鮮嫩多汁的「炸雞」啦!而且雞腿還會散發陣陣熱氣...詩伊開玩笑的說:是不是用炸雞攻擊敵人,敵人會變胖 XDD

誰還敢叫他肯德基爺爺?肯德基與《傳說對決》合作推限定造型『 桑德斯上校 』根本就是肌肉猛男!

而且有錢還不一定買得到限定造型!即日起到 02/24 只要到全台肯德基店購買「金沙富貴脆雞」(XL套餐、雙人餐、金沙富貴歡聚餐)或「肯德基多人餐」系列,可以獲得傳說對決虛寶卡一張,到遊戲內可以兌換虛寶,有 40%的機率可以獲得永久造型「渥馬爾-桑德斯上校」,另外 KFC 的外送服務也能獲得虛寶卡喔!(第三方外送單位無此優惠)

誰還敢叫他肯德基爺爺?肯德基與《傳說對決》合作推限定造型『 桑德斯上校 』根本就是肌肉猛男!肯德基上校的造型好酷!看到有蠻多玩家都在炫耀他們的新造型,當然也是有人買了好幾份都沒抽到(笑)改天貝爾也去吃肯德基看有沒有機會拿到新造型好惹~不過我要提醒大家,想要用新造型你要先有「渥馬爾」這個角色喔!




買炸雞送無人機!肯德基『Kentucky Flying Object』DIY讓炸雞盒變身無人機飛上天吧​

🐻誰還沒有追蹤電獺少女 Instagram?每天都有新貼文、每週都開新話題等你來跟編輯聊天,電獺少女 Instagram 新鮮事一起來玩!🐻


