[分享] Maddie你在上面幹什麼快下來阿阿阿 《Maddie on things》

要知道,電獺少女本著文學編輯的氣質(ノ∇≦*) 在房間擺幾櫃散文跟畫冊裝模作樣係很正常的 (迷之獺:櫃子上都是鍵盤跟桌遊)

幾隻水獺也會盡責的買書來放 只是偶爾會冒出文青獺輕撫某位少女寫真書露出憐愛眼神等不正確行為 現在要介紹的這本《Maddie on things》非常社會正確,是講可愛狗狗站在東西上面的照片集♥

Maddie on things_書封面

厚厚紮實的紙質整本都是Maddie這位浣熊獵犬站在各種東東上的樣子 作者Theron Humphrey原本在一家大型商業攝影公司工作,但內心空虛 於是決定帶著愛犬Maddie環遊美國到處拍照、認識人 "I would go into the world, traverse all 50 states in 365 days, and meet one person a day, every day."


Maddie on things_旅行的起點

"This was the beginning of Maddie on things, or at the least me pointing my camera her way. Looking back now I remember all the details the edges of the photo. That afternoon I was helping a friend move his motorcycle when I saw this light shining between the house, I ran over with Maddie and put her in the middle of the light, asked her to stay, and she just looked at me." 有聖光阿這一段都要落淚惹! 而且Maddie真的是活物嗎根本就不會動吧這~


Maddie on things_舒服的海風


Maddie on things_超高的!


Maddie on things_冰箱系列1


Maddie on things_冰箱系列2


Maddie on things_站高高


Maddie on things_跟藍天好搭的Maddie


Maddie on things_你你你是誰!

— *電獺少女WHISTLE TIME~* / 蜜柑 — 還想看看Maddie都站在些什麼奇怪的地方 就趕快把這本書帶回家看吧! 文青辦公室必備良冊!!


